
2003. January Vol.4

페이지 정보

댓글 0건 조회 2,028회 작성일 23-06-16 15:34


AIPPI KOREAInternational Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property
August 2002 , Vol.4

1. AIPPI-Korea Annual Meeting scheduled on February 19, 2003

The AIPPI-Korea scheduled to hold the 2003 AIPPI-Korea Annual Meeting at Samjung Hotel, Seoul on Wednesday, February 19, 2003. At the meeting, two lectures will be given as scientific works. And the annual meeting will be followed after the lectures. The topics of the lectures and issues to be discussed during the annual meeting are as follows:

Lecture I 11:10 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. Law and Electronic BusinessProfessor Moon Hwan KIM, Kook-Min University

Lecture II11:50 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Intellectual Property Rights and Brilliance of the Traditional CultureGovernor Dae In KIM, Good Law

Annual Meeting Agenda
1. 2002 Business Report
2. 2002 Audit Report
3. Business Plan for 2003
4. Budget for 2003
5. Report of the 2003 AIPPI Seoul EXCO/ FORUM Organizing Committee
6. Report of AIPPI-Korea Program Committee
7. Interim Report for 2012 AIPPI Seoul Congress

2. The Board Meeting of AIPPI-Korea will be held on February 7, 2003

The AIPPI-Korea will hold the first AIPPI-Korea Board Meeting of 2003 on Friday, February 7, 2003 at Samjung Hotel. With the beginning of the New Year, the board members will discuss about the important and various issues including the forthcoming 2003 AIPPI EXCO/ FORUM, which to be held in October at COEX Convention Center, Seoul. In this board meeting, officers, board of directors, members of the organizing committee for the 2003 AIPPI EXCO/ FORUM and the chairman of the Program Sub-Committee will participate.

3. The 12th AIPPI / LES/ APAA Korea Joint Meeting scheduled at Tower Hotel from
    April 18 to 19, 2003

Followed by the success of the last year's meeting, the 2003 Joint Meeting of International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) Korea, Licensing Executives Society (LES) Korea and Asian Patent Attorneys Association (APAA) Korea will be held at Tower Hotel, Seoul in April. This year's meeting is the 12th joint AIPPI-Korea/ LES-Korea/ APAA-Korea meeting. The programs for the meeting include 1) two lectures by guest speakers, 2) networking time and 3) workshop for organization and participation.

4.The Officers of the AIPPI Korea had a courtesy visit to the Commissioner of the
    Korean Intellectual Property Office

The officers of the AIPPI Korea made a courtesy visit to the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) on January 14, 2003. The visit was to meet Dr. Kwang Lim Kim, Commissioner, Mr. Tae-Shin Jung, Deputy Commissioner and other dignitary officials and to inform them of the forthcoming 2003 AIPPI EXCO Meeting and the 3rd AIPPI World Intellectual Property FORUM. At the meeting, the officers and the Commissioner of the KIPO had an in-depth discussion concerning the 2003 AIPPI EXCO/ FORUM and shared their opinions in how to bring a success to the AIPPI EXCO meeting and the AIPPI Forum. The officers also asked the Commissioner a support and a cooperation to both meetings. The participants who accompanied to the visit were Mr. Yoon-bae Kim, President; Mr. Man-ho Song, Vice President; Mr. Jae-ryun Song, Vice Presient; Mr. Kwan-ho Shin, Vice President; Mr. Young-pyo Hong, Vice President and Mr. Sung-ki Kim, Secretary of the Korean National Group of AIPPI.

5. AIPPI 2003 EXCO Meeting will be held Oct. 12-15, 2003

The 2003 AIPPI EXCO Meeting will be held in the Grand Intercontinental Hotel, Seoul from October 12 to 15, 2003. Approximately, the total number of 530 people including the 350 delegates from 80 countries are expected to attend the meeting. The list of guests includes several commissioners of national patent offices from other foreign counties and officials from WTO and UPOV. Director General or other dignitary officials of WIPO are the possible guests to attend the meeting. At the meeting, delegates from each country will discuss various topics covering the administrative and scientific issues. During the Meeting, the scientific issues (Questions) including the ones introduced as follows will be discussed:

1) Q-173 : Issues of Co-existence of Trademarks and Domain Names.
2) Q-174 : Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in the case of Cross Border Infringement
     of IP Rights.
3) Q-175 : The Role of Equivalents and Prosecution. History in Defining the Scope of
     Patent Protection.
4) Administrative Issues: Decision on EXCO site for 2007 and so on

6. The 3rd AIPPI World Intellectual Property FORUM will be held from Oct. 10-12,

The 3rd AIPPI World Intellectual Property FORUM will be held in the COEX Convention Center, Seoul from October 10 to 12, 2003. Various topics will be addressed though the four sessions including the following:

Session I: Issues of the co-existence of trademarks and domain names:
public versus private international registration system.
Session II: The role of equivalents and prosecution history in defining
the scope of patent protection.
Session III: Need to enlarge patent protection to new fields of economic activity (software, business methods, biotechnology, etc)
Session IV: Patent Protection and Commerci alization in (a) IT and e-business (b) Chemical, and Biotechnology and (c) Automotive Aerospace Industry.

7. Korea will be the first country to hold AIPPI EXCO together with FORUM

Korea will be the first country to hold both AIPPI EXCO and the 3rd AIPPI World Intellectual Property FORUM at the same time. These events will be co-sponsored by AIPPI Bureau and AIPPI Korea. The first AIPPI Forum was held in Interlaken, Swiss in 1996. It was followed by the second Forum in Lyon, France in 1999, where they decided to hold the 2003 AIPPI FORUM in Korea. After holding two Forums in European countries, this year's event will be the first time to hold AIPPI EXCO and FORUM in an Asian country. With the holding of two events at the same time in Korea, this year's events are expected to bring synergy effects.

8. AIPPI-Korea always welcome you at its Web Site

The Korean National Group of the AIPPI had already launched its web site: http:// You can access the international AIPPI web site through the site and vice versa. The addresses of the AIPPI-Korea related web sites are as follows:

* AIPPI (international) web site:
We would appreciate your suggestions and ideas.

9. Future Meetings of the AIPPI

The future meetings of the AIPPI for the next eight years from 2003 to 2010 are presented as follows by name, venue and dates:
2003 AIPPI/ LES/ APAA Korea
Tower Hotel, Seoul
April 18-19
Joint Meeting
2003 AIPPI 3rd IP World Forum
Coex, Seoul
October 10-11
Intercontinental, Seoul
2004 XXXIX World Congress
Geneva, Switzerland
June 19-24
Berlin, Germany
September 26 -October 1
2006 XXXX World Congress
Gothenburg, Sweden
2008 XXXXI World Congress
Boston, MA, USA
September 8 - 12
2010 XXXXII World Congress
Paris, France
2012 XXXXIII World Congress
* AIPPI Korea has submitted a proposal to host the 2012 XXXXIII World Congress.

*** If you are interested in becoming an active member, AIPPI-Korea cordially invites you to contact, and you may give your comments also to the editor as follows:

AIPPI Korea Secretariat
1st Fl., KPAA Bldg.
1497-13, Seocho 3-dong, Seocho-gu
Seoul 137-870, Korea
Tel: 598-8654/5, Fax: 598-8656
8th FL., Dongduk Bldg.
151-8, kwanhoon-dong, Jongro-gu
Seoul 110-300, Korea
Tel: 733-9991/5, Fax: 733-6352

<2003년도 정기총회(학술세미나) 개최공고

한국국제지적재산보호협회(AIPPI-KOREA)는 2003년도 정기총회를 학술세미나와 함께 다음과 같이 개최코저 하오니 회원 여러분들의 많은 참석을 바랍니다.

총회 및 세미나 일정

1. 일 시 : 2003년 2월 19일(수) 오전11시~오후2시

2. 장 소 : 서울시 역삼동 소재 삼정호텔(2층)
주요안건 :   
1) 2002년도 업무보고
2) 2002년도 결산보고/승인
3) 2003년도 사업계획보고/승인
4) 2003년도 예산안/승인
5) 2003년 AIPPI EXCO(집행위원회) 및 3rd AIPPI World Intellectual PropertyForum 보고
6) 기타사항3. 세미나 일정
1) 11:10 ~ 11:50 "지적재산권과 전통문화의 창달" (법률소비자연맹 김대인총재)
2) 11:50 ~ 12:30 "전자상거래와 법" (국민대학교 김문환교수)

※ 회원께는 추후(이사회 결의 후) 개별 통보해드리겠습니다.

한국국제지적재산보호협회 회장 김 윤 배